Little Big Things: Issue 2
Hello again, long time no see? Yeah we've been busy, but we've still been seeing nice things. You may notice we could do with a few more contributors so y'know, send us stuff you think we'd like, or just leave us a comment below. So anyway, on with the show - here's some of the nice things we've seen recently, hope you like them too:
Wes Anderson's AT&T ads

Lovely little TV ads, all using the same simple concept, all with Wes' fingerprints all over them.
(by: Gav - via: Solace in Cinema)
Brian Dettmer: Book Autopsies

Brian Dettmer carves into books revealing the artwork inside, creating complex layered three-dimensional sculptures.
(by: Jas - via: Newstoday)
Fast Film

Fast Film, short animation from 2003 by Virgil Widrich. Each frame is hand made using 65,000 print outs from famous films. Yes really.
More info about the film
(by: Jas - via: my brain)
Cornelius' Fit Song

Koichiro Tsujikawa’s video for Cornelius’ Fit Song. Amazingly well created CGI from 2006.
(by: Jas - via: my brain)
Jed's Other Poem

Fan made music video for Grandaddy. A very smart use of old technology to capture the track perfectly.
(by: Jas - via: my brain)
Launch Ball

A series of sweet little games on the Science Museum's site by Preloaded. Just position a few tools to help get a ball from one place on the screen to another, very easy to use, really rewarding sound design, and you can even design and share your own levels.
(br: Gav - via: the FWA)
Toyota: Meet

A nice little short for Toyota - does not feature any cars.
(by Gav - via: Motionographer)
Little Big Thing. Literally.

Their servers must be huge. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation society have somehow squeezed a life sized whale into my browser.
(by:stu - via: stumbleupon)
Zodiac: more special than you thought

Much like ninjas, you can tell if a special effects guy is good if you don't even know they were there.
(by: Gav - via: Solace in Cinema)
Wes Anderson's AT&T ads

Lovely little TV ads, all using the same simple concept, all with Wes' fingerprints all over them.
(by: Gav - via: Solace in Cinema)
Brian Dettmer: Book Autopsies

Brian Dettmer carves into books revealing the artwork inside, creating complex layered three-dimensional sculptures.
(by: Jas - via: Newstoday)
Fast Film

Fast Film, short animation from 2003 by Virgil Widrich. Each frame is hand made using 65,000 print outs from famous films. Yes really.
More info about the film
(by: Jas - via: my brain)
Cornelius' Fit Song

Koichiro Tsujikawa’s video for Cornelius’ Fit Song. Amazingly well created CGI from 2006.
(by: Jas - via: my brain)
Jed's Other Poem

Fan made music video for Grandaddy. A very smart use of old technology to capture the track perfectly.
(by: Jas - via: my brain)
Launch Ball

A series of sweet little games on the Science Museum's site by Preloaded. Just position a few tools to help get a ball from one place on the screen to another, very easy to use, really rewarding sound design, and you can even design and share your own levels.
(br: Gav - via: the FWA)
Toyota: Meet

A nice little short for Toyota - does not feature any cars.
(by Gav - via: Motionographer)
Little Big Thing. Literally.

Their servers must be huge. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation society have somehow squeezed a life sized whale into my browser.
(by:stu - via: stumbleupon)
Zodiac: more special than you thought

Much like ninjas, you can tell if a special effects guy is good if you don't even know they were there.
(by: Gav - via: Solace in Cinema)
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